"We are links between the ages, containing past and present expectations, sacred memories and future promise."
Explore Your Family History this Summer
June 12, 2023 - Lori Mortensen

Ready for a summer adventure? The El Dorado California FamilySearch Center, located at 3275 Cedar Ravine Road in Placerville, is a great place to start. If you’re not sure about the road ahead—no problem! Family history specialists are eager to help you along the way. “The FamilySearch Center is all about discoveries,” says family history specialist Debbie Hutchings, “finding missing links, filling in your fan chart, and discovering new relatives.”

Visitors are invited to take advantage of the photo scanner to organize and save photographs and documents, the Epson Slide Converter, and the computers with free access to premium genealogical websites. The El Dorado California FamilySearch Center also offers a great variety of FREE classes. Below are the ones scheduled for the summer of 2023:
TEEN DAYS - June 14 and July 12 (11AM TO 2PM) - These two days are dedicated to teens and pre-teens ages 10 to 18+ to come and use the Center. There will be activities, food, and time for you to learn a bit of research.
SCANNER-SLIDES-NEGATIVES DIGITIZED - June 29 (2PM) - Bring that box of photos, slides, or negatives to the FamilySearch Center and we will show you how to digitize them. Demonstrations and “hands on” time for you to save these precious memories. Bring a flash drive and some pictures.
START A FAMILY TREE ON FAMILY SEARCH - July 20 (10AM and 7PM) - Want to take all that information the family shared with you and organize it on the computer? FamilySearch is a free program that will help you get started and keep going! This class is for beginners or those who want to review if they have just started a tree. Come with some basic info or just with your family memories.
ADDING SCANNER SLIDES-NEGATIVES DIGITIZED TO ONLINE TREE - August 10 (2PM) - Demonstrations on how to use our Photo, Slide, and Negative Scanner and then how to download them onto your online trees. Come and learn. Bring a flash drive and pictures for “Hands On.”

“Bring the kids or grands too,” says Hutchings. “There are fun websites with games for the kids to play while you scan photos, preserve memories, or work on your family tree. Have a box of pictures you want to share with the family? Have a family tree with a bunch of blank faces? We can help you scan 25 pictures at a time and store them on your flash drive in less than a minute.” Family history has never been more accessible—or exciting!
The El Dorado California FamilySearch Center is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 11AM to 5PM, and Thursdays, 11AM to 8PM. (Other times may be arranged by appointment.) For more information, call 530-621-1378.

“We inherit from our ancestors gifts so often taken for granted. Each of us contains within us this inheritance of soul. We are links between the ages, containing past and present expectations, sacred memories and future promise.”—Edward Sellner.
What will you discover on your family history adventure?